I have been listening to the hymns of creation,
Enchanted by the verses,
Yet still I am curious…”

In an age of ever-increasing distractions, welcome to a coherent sanctuary amidst the noise.

A virtual oasis of tending and remembering.

EDEN will breathe life into your entire existence.

welcome to EDEN

Marketing and selling rhetoric say to be very clear about what people will get when they pay you. EDEN doesn’t quite fit into that model.

In ancient times, Mystery Schools were places for initiates, devotees, and mystics to train in energy and self-mastery
The 'purpose' of this was none other than fulfilling your destiny.
Yet, the great misconception is that destiny is solely connected to your doing, roles, and production.

Reality is an ecstatic paradox, that we create but do not control. We yearn to pour out to Life, as much as it longs to pour into us.

Our Great Work is none other than to become fully human.

Becoming human is no small feat. A spiritual master put it this way: A person must work to become human.

The ecosystems of our inner and outer worlds are vast. Underneath it all, a devotion to exploring and embodying more of our humanity is both the question and the answer.

Whatever doing unfurls from this place will be a natural contribution to all of Life.


“What is this power we call Life,
appearing as the play of flesh and breath?
How may I know this mystery and enter it more deeply?”

“I have been listening to the hymns of creation,
Enchanted by the verses,
Yet still I am curious…”

In a time when there are endless band-aids for our ever-expanding problems and desires, EDEN is a place where we get to the heart of the matter.

Inside, everything is centered around the body-nervous system-aura. As this is the intelligent instrument creating both our experience of reality and the quality of our presence.

Everyday, more of the world becomes sensitive to subtle energy. For this is the true conversation happening, beneath the noise.

It's a common misconception that the subtle doesn't include the physical – the body. When, in fact, the subtle is the very thing dancing the physical into existence. 

When we open up a relationship to the subtle, we access a well of safety and a vista of freedom.

From here, you enter into a relationship with Life beyond concept. This is why all great Mystics are poets, musicians, and artists. The Mystery is not meant to be captured by Mind—only danced with.

When you prioritize the cultivation of intimacy with yourself and Life as they are, not as you think they should be, you are free.

To be who you came here to be, to experience the joy that sings all of creation into existence, and to become a sacred gardener of Life.

The resounding piece of feedback we’ve received from members is that EDEN supports their entire life.

“Beloved, your questions require the answers that come through direct living experience…"

- The Radiance Sutras


remembering that we are nature

welcoming interdependence

practice foundations

cultivating and embodying authentic energies

exploring full spectrum humanity and divinity

meeting ourselves and LIFE as they are

Whether you would like to attend our many live calls, scour the living library of archives, or do both, EDEN is designed to accommodate all rhythms and flows. 

Inside EDEN, diversity and dynamism abound.

Yet, the one thing we all share is a deep commitment to Life itself.
To sincerely engage with it, learn and grow from it, and fall deeper into the dance.

EDEN’s core-learning frameworks:
- verbal and silent teaching
- energy work x subtle training 
- somatic practice
- listening

the garden


Every-other-month in The Hive apply for the opportunity to have something in your business reviewed, in-depth on a live call with Pilar and the EDEN business-community.

This can be anything, past, present, and future in your work. 

Each month in EDEN is guided by a theme pertaining to the community and the collective moment in time. This is where we lay the foundation for experiencing the concepts.

Join Pilar for one class a month in The Garden (Essentials tier) and one class a month in The Hive (Business Tier). The Garden classes will have an all-encompassing transformational focus, whereas The Hive classes will be specific to business stewardship.

One of the guiding stars of EDEN is direct experience. We do this through somatic inquiry, active energy work, and psychic development practice. Every month in Attunements join Pilar for 90 minutes of deep communal practice, connection, and Q&A.

Every month, in The Garden (Essentials Tier), we hand-select a guest (or guests) who uniquely embody the monthly theme. Guest calls include formal teaching, interactive experiences, and a combination. 

Enjoy our library of rich EDEN-exclusive masterclasses.

Each time we run a masterclass connected to EDEN, all members get in for free and receive ongoing access for the duration of their membership.

Every-other-month in The Hive we hand-select a guest (or guests) who uniquely embody the monthly theme in relation to business.

Guest calls include formal teaching, interactive experiences, and a combination of both.



business cirlces

class series

Join Pilar in The Hive for a monthly class, cradled by the them, specific to business. 

guest classes & workshops

facilitator-led experiences



An EDEN-favorite!

Join Pilar for a monthly community business circle in The Hive (Business Tier), in which we do group practices, discussion, and 1:1 mentoring / energy work.

what's included

Join our in-house Writing-Facilitator, Kara Lee for an hour of no-rules creativity and sharing. Writing Circles are not recorded, allowing for an extra boost of unbridled sharing.

Weave with our in-house Integration Facilitator, Eliana Miranda, for a call dedicated solely to integration of the monthly theme, energies, and learnings.

Enjoy a seasonal astrology workshop with our in-house Astrologer, Andre Arellano. Steep yourself in the stars of what's to come, receive live readings, and more.  

the hive

2024 monthly Themes

meet the team

bonus resources

- the EDEN archives (300+ hours of sustenance)
- a robust energy work x meditation library (receive a new practice every-other-month)
- the entire PDF library
- ongoing notion template library

  • live monthly business circles
  • live monthly business class
  • live monthly business reviews
  • live x every-other-month business-guest classes
  • monthly audio drops 
  • quarterly planning calls 
  • quarterly immersions on one topic 
  • access to 1+ years of Business Circle archives
  • access to bespoke Business resources 

The Hive | EDEN Business Tier 

  • EDEN masterclasses
  • live monthly class
  • live monthly attunement
  • live monthly guest class
  • live monthly circles (writing, integration)
  • live quarterly astrology workshop
  • access to all of The Garden archives (250+ hours)
  • access to all The Garden resources (practice library, notion templates, and myriad surprises)
  • everything from The Garden Tier

The Garden | EDEN Essentials Tier

an EDEN for everyone

$122 monthly
$341 quarterly (7% off)
$1,318 annually (10% off)
$77 monthly
$215 quarterly (7% off)
$832 annually (10% off)

see what members are saying



How can we help?

No to both. We ask that you do have an interest in training in energy work and cultivating a sincere and collaborative relationship with the subtle as this will be a part of the curriculum.

Pulling from a synthesis and harmony of systems, Pilar will intentionally offer instruction and practice in foundations and build into more advanced techniques so the group can grow, train, and refine together.

Are doors open?

Is there captioning available on recorded videos?

Can men join?

Will I get to connect with other EDEN members?

Will I have the opportunity to ask questions?

Do you offer scholarships?

What are your payment policies?

Is there a way to try it out?

Is EDEN safe for BIPOC, WOC, and the LGBTQIA+ community?

Do I have to identify as and/or be a trained energy worker to join?

What if I decide to upgrade or downgrade my subscription to/from the business tier?

How does the membership work?

Am I able to pause my membership?

What time are classes and events?

How can we help?

Though Pilar does *not* have lived experience inside of these bodies, we intend EDEN to be a community of self-sourced, self-responsible, respectful humans who know they won’t always get it right but are actively committed to transformation, interdependence, and personal integrity.

We cannot make any promises around your moment-to-moment internal safety, but we can promise our commitment to one of EDEN’s foundational teachings; showing up for Life as it is and learning through what is being presented.

Are doors open?

Is there captioning available on recorded videos?

Can men join?

Will I get to connect with other EDEN members?

Will I have the opportunity to ask questions?

Do you offer scholarships?

What are your payment policies?

Is there a way to try it out?

Is EDEN safe for BIPOC, WOC, and the LGBTQIA+ community?

Do I have to identify as and/or be a trained energy worker to join?

What if I decide to upgrade or downgrade my subscription to/from the business tier?

How does the membership work?

Am I able to pause my membership?

What time are classes and events?

please note, some of the teachings and practices will cover the male and female energy bodies.

*a note on binaries: gender energy work practices are intended for what we’ve incarnated into biologically, regardless (but not discounting of) gender identity or expression. they apply to the biological or physical-etheric-astral explorations that come from being biologically male or biologically female.*

How can we help?

Due to the nature of our offerings and the extensive time, preparation, and intention that goes into creating and providing them, refunds will not be issued.

Pilar Lesko, LLC does not issue refunds due to forgetting to cancel, lack of attendance, scheduling conflicts, overcommitting, or personal disagreements.

Please note that you are committed to 3 months or a year if you choose those options. You may cancel anytime, but you will not be refunded.

We will not cancel your membership on your behalf, as this can be done inside your Circle account (see instructions below). You will not be refunded if you forget to cancel before you are charged for the next month, season, or year.

Please make a resourced and responsible decision.

You can review the terms and conditions [HERE]

Are doors open?

Is there captioning available on recorded videos?

Can men join?

Will I get to connect with other EDEN members?

Will I have the opportunity to ask questions?

Do you offer scholarships?

What are your payment policies?

Is there a way to try it out?

Is EDEN safe for BIPOC, WOC, and the LGBTQIA+ community?

Do I have to identify as and/or be a trained energy worker to join?

What if I decide to upgrade or downgrade my subscription to/from the business tier?

How does the membership work?

Am I able to pause my membership?

What time are classes and events?

How can we help?


EDEN Essentials subscribers: Each month, we have a space in one of our forums where you can leave questions for Pilar about the monthly theme she will discuss at the end of classes.

Business Tier subscribers: We have a space in one of our forums where you can leave business-specific questions for Pilar and receive 1:1 mentorship in the Business Circles.

In this tier you also have the option to apply for a review session with PL where an entire call will be devoted to reviewing something in your business.

We make no promise that all questions will be answered, as Pilar does her best to pick questions that will support both the individual and the whole community.

Are doors open?

Is there captioning available on recorded videos?

Can men join?

Will I get to connect with other EDEN members?

Will I have the opportunity to ask questions?

Do you offer scholarships?

What are your payment policies?

Is there a way to try it out?

Is EDEN safe for BIPOC, WOC, and the LGBTQIA+ community?

Do I have to identify as and/or be a trained energy worker to join?

What if I decide to upgrade or downgrade my subscription to/from the business tier?

How does the membership work?

Am I able to pause my membership?

What time are classes and events?

How can we help?

*a note on binaries: gender energy work practices are intended for what we’ve incarnated into biologically, regardless (but not discounting of) gender identity or expression. they apply to the biological or physical-etheric-astral explorations that come from being biologically male or biologically female.*

Yes! This space is welcome to men, women, and non-binary beings who resonate with EDEN.

Please note, some of the teachings and practices will cover the male and female energy bodies.

Are doors open?

Is there captioning available on recorded videos?

Can men join?

Will I get to connect with other EDEN members?

Will I have the opportunity to ask questions?

Do you offer scholarships?

What are your payment policies?

Is there a way to try it out?

Is EDEN safe for BIPOC, WOC, and the LGBTQIA+ community?

Do I have to identify as and/or be a trained energy worker to join?

What if I decide to upgrade or downgrade my subscription to/from the business tier?

How does the membership work?

Am I able to pause my membership?

What time are classes and events?