hear from stewards of eden

Welcome to the clearest place on the Internet! Stepping into EDEN is like stepping into a Garden after a little rain shower on a summers day. It is warm but clear, abundant and truly nourishing. You can feel the devotion of Pilar and all the Stewards in tending the Garden's energies. Ingesting and digesting all that is offered is like attending a real generous feast that will leave you feeling more of yourself and in love and relationship with all of life.

marije elles

You find it, life. In the contrast of sprouts glowing through black soil, in the rare raspy growl of a trained singer’s soul performance, in the juices of anything properly savored, in the fires of transformation. You’ll also find it in Pilar’s work.

The initiates path she walks to self-mastery is what’s on offer. She models and fosters excellence that is every way in partnership with humility. As with life, investing in her work is not about what you’ll get, it’s about what you’ll find. As you walk through your own reality, you’ll begin to recognize life presenting you with texture, depth, true chord-striking resonance you’ll feel in your bones. You’ll say, “Oh, this is what Pilar was talking about… but it was me! I did that!” You are at once a witness and a participant. So, if you found your way here, you made it. And yet, this is only the beginning. Welcome to EDEN. 

elizabeth ulloa

I have experienced a sense of grounding in business that I don't think I could have had otherwise.

It is truly worth the hype. It delivers what it says it does. the container lives and breathes beyond Pilar. It is what you make it.

samar jade

Welcome to the clearest place on the Internet! Stepping into EDEN is like stepping into a Garden after a little rain shower on a summers day. It is warm but clear, abundant and truly nourishing. You can feel the devotion of Pilar and all the Stewards in tending the Garden's energies. Ingesting and digesting all that is offered is like attending a real generous feast that will leave you feeling more of yourself and in love and relationship with all of life.

marije elles

EDEN is an oasis. A psychic eye within a human shit storm (too much?). Within this community we are treasured by the energies, we are developing tools/crafts/curriculum that are sure to make this world a better place, and we are both integrated and initiated into the realms of subtle energy, money medicine, and becoming the antidote to a world gone mad.

EDEN is a playground for the mystics and the misfits, it is an alchemical laboratory for magic and mystery, it is a sanctuary for the sensitive soul that is here to live freely in this world. EDEN feels like home. A prophecy. An ancient labyrinth. A miraculous future. A present to bring us into profound presence. This space has changed my life, this community has inspired me, and this garden is pouring nutrients that I will be resourced from for the rest of my life.

eliana miranda
